The Time has come for The Housing Authority of Hartsville to implement our NO SMOKING POLICY.
EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2018, The Housing Authority of Hartsville will be Smoke Free. We will have signs posted on the property and a designated area for those who smoke. A Gazebo and a trash receptacle will be placed at the front of each property. Residents please inform your guest/s of the changes as well.
This area that will be designated for a smoke area is not for use by children. Parents, you are responsible for talking to your children about not hanging around or playing in this area. For those adults who smoke, we do not expect anyone to just be hanging out for a long period of time at the Gazebo. Adults are responsible for making sure cigarette butts go in the trash receptacle and not all on the grass.
I need for All Adult Residents 18 and older in each household to come to the office no later than Monday, April 30, 2018 to sign the NO SMOKING POLICY AND LEASE ADDENDUM.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office anytime at 843-332-1583 ext. 13.