The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) developed this flyer to provide Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Public Housing, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) participants with important information and resources about paying rent during the national emergency concerning the coronavirus pandemic.
What is the suspension of evictions about?
Evictions for nonpayment of rent, and charges/fees for nonpayment of rent, have been temporarily suspended. This applies to all HUD-assisted participants from March 27, 2020 to July 24, 2020*. Although your Public Housing Authority's (PHA) Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policies (ACOP) and/or Administrative Plan may not be updated, please be aware that the suspension of evictions for nonpayment of rent is in place.
Having trouble making rent?
- Voucher and public housing participants: If you lost your job or had a significant loss of income, request an interim reexamination with the housing authority as soon as possible. Your rent can be adjusted to reflect the change in income or you may be eligible for a financial hardship exemption. Your housing authority may also know about other local resources.
- Voucher participants only: Contact your landlord right away. Reach out early to discuss potential payment plans or accommodations. Due to loss in income and the resulting interim reexamination, your rent adjustment may be retroactive. Confirm with the PHA and your landlord whether you will receive a credit for the previous month.
What else should you know?
- Rent is still due during this time period and will accumulate if unpaid.
- Your landlord and the PHA cannot initiate a new eviction action for nonpayment of rent and you should not receive a notice to vacate for nonpayment of rent from March 27, 2020 - July 24, 2020.
- Your landlord and the PHA cannot charge any late fees, or accrue charges/fees, and your assistance cannot be terminated for past due rent in April, May, June and July 2020.
- If you are behind on rent after the suspension of evictions expire: Voucher participants need to negotiate directly with your landlord to determine requirements to repay unpaid rent. Otherwise, your landlord could file an eviction. Public housing participants need to work with the PHA to pay unpaid rent in a lump sum or set up a repayment agreement. Otherwise, your assistance could be terminated and/or the PHA could file an eviction.
- Evictions for nonpayment of rent filed with the court before March 27, 2020 can proceed if there is no conflict with state or local laws.
- The PHA or your landlord can still terminate assistance and evict for drug abuse, criminal activity, lease violations, fraud, repeated minor violations, other good cause, etc.
- HUD does not intervene or participate in eviction proceedings. If you feel you are being wrongfully evicted, contact your local legal aid organization or social service agencies. If you are a Voucher participant, you may also contact your local PHA.
*Enacted in Section 4024 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, 2020 "CARES Act" (Public Law 116-136).